Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Lets go extra

"I. Forteh" <inno4te@yahoo.com> wrote:

Hey there,
1st April and a dear friend of mine got me bad! I lowered my guards for a moment and yes, fell into her trap! Being fooled on 1st April has never happened to me till today!
I was having a conversation with my wife yesterday when we walked into what makes a person an achiever either spiritually, socially, financially or otherwise. Conclusion was, it is the word extra!
The extra mile of prayer.
The extra mile of doing good.
The extra hour in study.
Not being an ordinary employee, wife, husband etc.
The EXTRA will surely produce more than ordinary (extraordinary) results!
A normal person is expected to achieve what is expected of everyone ie normal results...well that is if you want to be just normal. Leaders (you and me) however need to strive to be not just normal but rather 'EXTRANORMAL' ie go the extra mile. We're almost a quarter gone with this year and although opportunities abounded if you look closely and judge yourself ruthlessly, you may come to see you could've done even better if and only if you'd decided just maybe add a little extra!
It is not late..for the rest of 2008, you can decide now to just go extra in the following areas;
1. Power (more time to pray, fellowship with God and study His Word to receive strength for each new day)
2. Family..maybe a weekend with your family to catch up on what's happenning in everybody's life and be there for each other? 
3. Share ... Sharing the blessings you've received is a blessing in itself and good medicine for the soul.
4. Work
5. School.
Don't settle for the ordinary if you expect extraordinary results.
Go the extra.

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The truth never changes.Do you know Him?

::Deron Ariel Inno Linda & Jude ::[Jesus is Lord]
