Sunday, July 27, 2008

Being disciplined

Is not at all the easiest of things. We're half way through and it's been a challenging 2 weeks. 2 more weeks yahoooo! The last few days have been loaded on dialogue on Buddhism, Hinduism, Next Generation and some concluding Audio Visuals (the use there of). Our video project was some stage I hope to youtube it. I have been planning to take a good rest, but it seems that just ain't a workable concept here. I have been sleeping late (bad), and been under a little stress as I try to strike a balance between studying, keeping in shape and working on a project with my French colleagues ( as team leader, this is the most difficult group, I have ever led!!!). THank God tomorrow is Sunday. I am looking forwards celebrating Jesus with my Hawaiin brothers..the name of the church is unpronounceable but I hear it was founded in 18something. A picture of us worshiping on Friday morning. Love ya

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::Deron Ariel Inno Linda & Jude ::[Jesus is Lord]
