Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Team building- the way of the master.

Team Building

There are no perfect teams only visionary leaders!
Lead = move group from point A to B.

Issues that lead to friction:

1. Differences (you are unique eg?)!
2. Conflict (appreciate, deal with issues...)
3. Lack of vision 4. Poor Example ( rules apply to all)
1. Fulfilled all righteousness (not a new convert)!

2. Fasted and Prayed (Mathew 4:1-11)

3. Personally picked His team as led not by appearance:
In the steps of our Lord:

A Traitor....Judas
An Impulsive fellow....Peter
A doubter ....Thomas
Lovers of position ....the brothers James and John
A hated tax collector- Mathew (Mathew 10:2-4)

In spite of this, how do you build a winning team through the power of the Holy spirit?

4. He had a Vision ".. I will make you fishers of men" Luke 5:10 understood their needs and was a communicator par excellence. He used many different approaches ( His example- washed feet, Parables, miracles, declarations, teachings etc ) to remind His followers of the vision.

5. Jesus Planned for Continuity. I will send you the comforter... John 16:7

6.  Evaluation. Who do people say I am? Mk 16:13

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::Deron Ariel Inno Linda & Jude ::[Jesus is Lord]
